Xander G – Grade 10
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Youth Cuba Reflection - Xander
airplane skids to a stop. The windows show nothing but green trees and dark,
ominous clouds.... The air is damp with fallen rain. Lacking the scent of
gasoline that I am all too familiar with.
We head into the small red building, and are immediately met by customs
officials. Easy questions, and an easy entrance into the country. We meet Pasor
Jesús next to his bus and we drive through the gorgeous forests that surround
el aeropuerto and the rest of Santa María. We arrive at the church after 30
minutes of gorgeous driving . We are met with delicioso comida, which after
airport food, is a gift that god must have brought down himself. Playing
dominoes with los Cubanos Jovenes at night, walking around los calles during
the day, seeing old-timey cars, taxi bicycles, and the occasional horse and
carriage. Multicolored architecture, rivaling a candy store in its vibrancy.