Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Reflection: Stuart

Today I had an amazing opportunity to work with the local children at a summer camp located in the same property as Team Effort (the organization we are lodging with and working for.) The children are amazingly intelligent and taught me about loving one another and accepting new individuals more than anything else imaginable. One child during lunch when I asked what his favorite part of the camp was he replied “You, because you’re a cool guy.”  And although he soon left for a more attractive, female counselor, I was left with a lingering sense of God’s love. Typically Mission Trips consist of hard physical labor, but by definition mission is spreading God’s word, and God’s word is love.  So understandably the last thing I expected on a mission trip was to be taught about Gods love from someone who didn’t accompany me from one of our churches. I recognize this is short as I had a limited time because of deep discussion in my home group. Regardless, I learned today that God loves everyone and everyone is capable of loving God as well, though no one is required.
-Stuart, FPC